First milestone reached !
D- STANDART team is proud to report the achievement of its first project milestone, the test plan !
John-Alan Pascoe from Technical University of Delft is in charge of the workpackage dedicated to testing and material/fatigue characterisation: “In D-STANDART we are going to do a lot of testing, not only in the sense of having many specimens, but also in the sense of doing many different kinds of tests. We will be investigating the effect of different loading modes, environmental conditions, and fibre orientation, develop a new high frequency test method and testing large scale demonstrators.
Coordinating all this work is important to avoid both gaps in the data and unnecessary duplication of effort. Thanks to the hard work of all the partners we now have a detailed plan, that ensures we make optimal use of everyone’s capabilities. I look forward to the next step, which is getting in the material and starting on manufacturing the first batch of specimens.”