

Partners will disseminate results through publications and active participation to conferences and standardization working groups. Please note that a specific Zenodo community has been created to share open access publications.


Journal and Conference papers

  • Xi Li, et al. , Interlaminar fracture behaviour of emerging laminated-pultruded CFRP plates for wind turbine blades | Engineering Fracture Mechanics, DOI:  and related dataset under Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14000405.
  • Xi Li, et al. , Interlaminar fracture behaviour of emerging laminated-pultruded CFRP plates for wind turbine blades | ECCM21 July 2-4, 2024, Nantes, France,  DOI:  and related dataset under Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14000405.
  • Francisco Maciel Monticeli, et al., Identifying the Most Effective Data Processing for Fatigue Delamination Growth in FRPs: Insights on Artificial Data Simulation | Engineering Fracture Mechanics, DOI: and related dataset under Zenodo DOI:
  • Francisco Maciel Monticeli, et al., Identifying the Most Effective Data Processing for Fatigue Delamination Growth in FRPs: Insights on Artificial Data Simulation | ECCM21 July 2-4, 2024, Nantes, France,  DOI:  and related dataset under Zenodo DOI:
  • Matias Lasen, et al., Modelling Fatigue Damage Growth of T700/M21 Composites under High-Frequency Testing | Engineering Fracture Mechanics, DOI: and related dataset under Zenodo DOI:
  • Matias Lasen, et al., Modelling Fatigue Damage Growth of T700/M21 Composites under High-Frequency Testing | ECCM21 July 2-4, 2024, Nantes, France, and related dataset under Zenodo DOI:
  • Jordy Schönthaler, et al., Numerical Investigation of Vibration Fatigue Crack Growth in a Composite Specimen Featuring a Cut Ply | Engineering Fracture Mechanics, DOI: and related dataset under Zenodo DOI:
  • Jordy Schönthaler, et al., Numerical Investigation of Vibration Fatigue Crack Growth in a Composite Specimen Featuring a Cut Ply | ECCM21 July 2-4, 2024, Nantes, France, and related dataset under Zenodo DOI:


Conference and workshop presentations

D-STANDART also set up D-STANDART Academy, offering online training resources and will organise a series of events targeting different audiences, from scientific to industry to general public. We will promote each event once the exact dates and venues are defined, so please stay tuned (on this website and D-STANDART’s LinkedIn page).