
Third General Assembly & First Consortium Technical Workshop

The Third General Assembly of the D-STANDART Project took place on the 07th of February, followed by our First Consortium Technical Workshop. Both events were hosted by TUD, in Delft (Netherlands), and AB members were invited as special guests to join the second day.

In addition to the traditional but important management discussions held on the first day, in particular in the view of upcoming key dissemination events, this unique and special gathering was a great opportunity for the 35 participants to provide a deeper and common understanding of the main aspects addressed by the project. The workshop triggered important discussions on how to perform data analysis, interfaces between work packages and the preliminary design of the two demonstrators aimed at in D-STANDART.
This action was supported by presentations and posters, allowing also to put the light on team members active in the daily work of D-STANDART, in particular PhD candidates and post-docs and exchange thoughts on the coupons and prototype demonstrators that were circulated at this occasion.
A real-life simulation game, was also developed and run by NCC. In this game, participants split in small groups and could grasp the stakes and uncertainties of the route to certification, getting though the different means of compliance: from process to tests.

Finally, a brief tour of the Delft Aerospace Structures and Materials Laboratory facility was organised and triggered very interesting discussions. Most of the material shared at this occasion can be publicly shared and is available below (see also our specific page for D-STANDART events).




